Post by m***@peoplepc.comCould this be due to the new reprints? Fading boomers? Happenstance?
Not sure if DOC is selling FOR less, but there is sure less DOC for
SALE on eBay.
For a long time, you could run an item check on eBay and find about
300 DOC SAVAGE items for sale. From 1998 until about 2005, this was a
pretty constant number -- a couple of times it topped 400, every now
and then it dropped into the high 200s.
In 2006 the number of DOC SAVAGE items available on eBay started
dropping into the 200s more often. By 2007 it rarely topped 300.
I ran a check this AM, and there were 189 DOC SAVAGE items listed for
sale on eBay -- the lowest number I've seen in the nearly ten years
I've watched it.
As to the effects of new reprints on prices -- I don't really see it,
DOC paperback reprints continue their slow climb in price,and if
reprints were going to affect price, I'd think the opposite would be
And there just aren't enough DOC pulps on the market (6 on eBay this
AM) to gauge any price change due to the reprints. I suspect the net
effect will be a wash -- for every fan who thinks, "Hey, I can get a
new reprint of THE GOLDEN MAN much cheaper," there'll be another who
thinks, "Now I've got the story, but I want the old paper too."
ALTERNATIVE EXPLANATION: The reprints have depressed the whole eBay
DOC market, and growing DOC fandom. I actually kind of hope this is
true, because otherwise I fear that the demographics will cause pulps
to the era of Big Little Books -- a hobby of increasingly fewer
collectors and much higher prices.