(too old to reply)
2009-07-13 12:03:29 UTC
Fron july, 1946

A Dent rewrite of what seems a straight forward Bogart DOC. DOC finds
a young female pilot in trouble in Alaska, helps her. The action
moves to NYC, and DOC captures the bad guys.

Sometimes when I read a DOC SAVAGE adventure I am sure Lester Dent
subscribed the NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC. He had to crib his color from
somewhere. This one starts out along the AlCan Highway in Alaska.
DOC is laying out air travel routes for the post-war Alaska tourist
flight bonanza that is coming. OK, well maybe that never really
happened, but at least DOC wasn't predicting tourists arriving in
flying cars and personal helicopters/

The plot is a simple chase.

Ham is old enough that he refers a B-29 pilot veteran as, "Son."

There are things wrong with this one from the DOC canon point of
view. DOC is carrying a .45 in Alaska. He has no gadgets. He has
operatives stationed down in the basement garge of his headquarters to
undertake trailing assignments. The Crime College appears to be gone;
he ens up helping the FBI. He's forgotten how to speaken Mayan
("Monk, Ham, gas!"). He talks too much.

The title, FIRE AND ICE, has nothing to do with the story. No fires
at all. No ice. The setting is Alaska, but decidedly in the
summertime. There's a piece of jewelry, but it is an obviously fake
emerald. I'm thinking the title came from an earlier version of the


interesting to know that the concept of Nazis escaping to Argentina
dates from right after the war.

As far as the post-war DOC adventures go, well, this one could have
been worse.

Kent Allard
2009-07-13 12:43:07 UTC
Post by Dave
interesting to know that the concept of Nazis escaping to Argentina
dates from right after the war.
There was a lot of traffic between Argentina and Germany during the war, so it
was no surprise. The U.S. had a lot of spies in Argentina during the war.

It's funny. I just watched Alfred Hitchcock's Notorious this weekend (1946) and
it was all about infiltrating a group of Germans who have relocated to Brazil
after World War II.
