On Mon, 10 Jan 2011 04:47:20 -0800 (PST), Dave
Post by DaveBecause DOC SAVAGE Fans know everything -- looking for the title of a
science fiction movie or novel -- about time travel -- they use a
device called "the will be/was generator" to do so -- might be a
It looks as though Doc Savage has struck out. You could pop over to
rec.arts.sf.writing and start a game of Yet Another Story
Post with this subject line:
YASID: time travel, "will be/was generator"
"YASID" identifies the post as starting the game, "time travel, "will
be/was generator"" attracts the attention of those who have a chance
to win.
In the body of the post, repeat what you posted here and add every
stupid little datum you can dredge up -- about how long ago did you
read it, was it a book or a magazine, was it short or long, how did
you come to have access to it, color of the cover, any images that
stuck by you, the name of a spear carrier, etc.
The winner will be the first person to post the title and author.
There may be a long thread of brainstorming.
Joy Beeson
joy beeson at comcast dot net
The above message is a Usenet post.
I don't recall having given anyone permission to use it on a Web site.